The 3-Step Formula for Success

The old success formula you learned in school, that got you where you are now, won’t work for a success driven female entrepreneur on a spiritual path. 

Dear friend,

You know what it’s like to work really hard to reach your goals. This is because the success formula you were taught in school made it soooooo much harder to achieve what you’ve achieved to date. No doubt, you have a long list of accomplishments under your belt. However, while the rewards have been great, the costs to your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing may be even greater. Especially as you get older when the physical resources needed to focus all your energy and attention on building your business can also take a major toll on your mental wellbeing and body. 

You were born with a special gift. The gift of an inner drive to make a difference in the world. And while at times your body and mind might be depleted, your soul will continue to remind you that there is more for you to do. More people to serve. More lives to transform. More purpose to fulfill. 

The old success formula you learned in school, that got you where you are now, won’t work for a success driven female entrepreneur on a spiritual path. 

When you reach a certain level of accomplishment and you STILL hear your soul calling you to do “more” purpose driven work, you need a NEW methodology to create success that also incorporates your spiritual journey. Now, there’s a powerful new 3-Step Success Formula that’s the ONLY solution that aligns with your spiritual journey AND will keep you in flow, so reaching any new goals doesn’t come at an emotional or physical cost to your wellbeing.

This new formula is in harmony with your spiritual path, can propel you to greater levels of success beyond what you have currently experienced, AND the journey will be with the greatest amount of ease and flow.

Without this new 3-Step Formula For Success, you are at risk of continuing your journey expending an exponentially greater amount of effort than necessary and trapped in a cycle of hard work and burnout.

As a success driven female, using the old school success formula,
I learned a HARD lesson that ended my career.

Success was my middle name. There wasn’t any goal that intimidated me and, often, the greater the challenge, the more I dug my heels in to exceed that goal. And that’s exactly what I did early on in my career. 

As a young female working in a male dominated financial industry, I set my eyes on exceeding everyone’s expectations. It didn’t take me long to manage a multi-million dollar portfolio of investments for my clients at an early age. And then I became the company’s youngest branch manager.

Life seemed to be perfect – as I checked the goals off my list and created financial and professional success – until it wasn’t. I ignored my health in the process, and my marriage suffered along with other relationships in my life. 

And then one day, I woke up and could not get out of bed. 

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, which eventually forced me to stop working all together and took six years to recover from. While I had no choice but to work on restoring my health, it was clear that this went deeper than just my physical health. 

As I looked inward for answers, I found myself on a spiritual journey that had me rethinking my life and my goals, and realizing that my drive and success had come at a steep cost to my physical health, my emotional health, and my relationships.

Through my recovery, I discovered a powerful new way to approach my life, my career, and my passion. I spent years studying Access Consciousness, Aromatherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT – Tapping), Cortical Field Reeducation, Integrated Awareness, Life Coaching, Meditation, Reiki, Spiritual Counseling, and Stress Management, before becoming a Certified Accelerated Evolution Coach. 

For the past several years, I’ve been helping success driven female entrepreneurs transform their lives. And eventually my work led me to this calling –  showing women entrepreneurs worldwide, women like you, how to finally have it all WITHOUT a cost. 

It wasn’t until I discovered this new 3-Step Formula For Success, that it all came together for me, and my approach to life and success dramatically changed. This new 3-Step Formula is a methodology for success, for women, that brings inner peace, flow, and a sense of spaciousness so you never, EVER feel depleted or drained. And you can still make boatloads of money while feeling vibrant, energetic, supported, and fulfilled. 

If you would like to know how YOU can apply this new 3-Step Formula For Success to YOUR LIFE, click here for an introductory call!

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