From Burnout To Balance

VIP Coaching Package

Imagine having the freedom to create all that you desire without burning out.

Envision yourself having more energy, more clarity (say goodbye to poor focus!), more excitement about your life (bye bye depression), and more freedom from the symptoms of burnout that have been controlling your body and your life. When you sign up for my VIP package, this can become your reality. You will have me as your ally, supporting you every step of the way.

Benefits we’ll work to achieve for you:


For greater mental clarity and the ability to function more efficiently


Feel less overwhelmed, more inspired and empowered


Stay on track with your goals and desires


Discover the healing power within yourself


Say goodbye to poor focus and forgetfulness


And a greater sense of well-being


These are the highlights of what you’ll receive through this program. Because my approach is customized, I’ll support you with your biggest priorities. So the list here gives you an idea of what we can cover, but isn’t exhaustive.

Your VIP Coaching Package Includes:

Take Back Your Life Assessment

Get a clear picture of where you are and where you want to be, so we can create your customized roadmap

1 on 1 Sessions

You and me – phone or video calls, 3 per month, 60-minutes each


Laser Calls

Use these 15-minute calls in between sessions to celebrate a success, get support, and stay connected

Email Support

Available between sessions to keep you motivated, accountable, and connected

Deep Sleep Blueprint

This Magic Rest & Relief Formula provides you with clear steps to access your best and most restful sleep

Your Essential Elixir

A customized combination of essential oils that will address your most prevalent symptoms

Customized Claim Your Power Meditation

Overcome your greatest challenge, be free of fear, and live the life you most desire with this recording that you can listen to again and again to reap more benefits

A Leather-Bound Gratitude Journal

Your companion for gratitude practice and all else that arises during your From Burnout To Balance journey

Take The First Step

Your willingness to make yourself a VIP in your own life is the first step to breaking free from burnout. We’ll start with a complimentary 60-minute phone consultation to discuss your challenges with respect to burnout. You’ll get immediate support to begin addressing those challenges, find hope and explore possibilities for creating all that you desire without burnout, and discover how you can reap the benefits of us working together. It would be my honor to support you.


Being coached by Whitney has been an invaluable experience.

Being coached by Whitney has been an invaluable experience. During our sessions, I can get completely present with myself, knowing that Whitney is there to LISTEN to everything I am thinking and feeling. But she does so much more than listen: Whitney equips me with the tools I need to deal with the challenges life throws my way; she helps me work out what I really want and need from a situation.

Whitney has guided me through challenging stages in my life by helping me overcome overwhelm and reduce stress and anxiety. It is because of her guidance and support that I feel I have the confidence to go forward more calmly, stronger, and more positively. With Whitney’s assistance, I know better now how to handle difficult situations, to identify my priorities, and to effectively manage my emotions and anxiety. That has made my life so much easier and happier.

Marta Royo

Business Risk Manager, Private Banking

What Coaching Is And Is Not

Coaching is about having someone on your side. Someone with an outside perspective to bounce ideas off and get the encouragement and support that you need to ask more of yourself and to accomplish what you really want more easily. And we are talking about what YOU want — not what you should want or somebody else thinks you should want.

Coaching helps you to focus, clarify and take action. It is an adult-to-adult relationship in which I will support you in being responsible for your own life choices. This includes supporting you in disregarding any of my suggestions or requests if you choose to do so.

Coaching is not therapy although that can have a useful role to play at different times. If you are in a lot of emotional pain or caught up with past issues then you may like to consult a professional therapist. Coaching is more concerned with taking appropriate action in the present time so as to create the life that you choose.

Coaching is not consultancy although that can also be a valuable tool, and there is some overlap when I offer my expertise in the area of burnout and other areas where I am particularly knowledgeable. Coaching, in general, is more to do with supporting you in generating and implementing your own solutions.

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